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Weekly Journal for Brain Retrainers

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Weekly Journal for
Brain Retrainers

Brain Retraining Journal

I created this journal to support my personal brain retraining journey. 

My hope is that what benefits me benefits others. 

Available on Amazon:

Or go to the Books Page for all journals. 

About the Book

As I share on page 1, this journal is for anyone who is working on brain retraining, no matter which program or method(s) you are using. 

This isn’t a Guide. This book doesn’t follow any specific brain retraining program. This book doesn’t offer brain retraining information or instruction. 

This is a 25-week journal that offers you space to document your weekly focus and to track your journey.  

Weekly Intentions

A month or so after the wheels for this journal started turning, I started meeting a few times a week with a fellow brain retrainer.  We always end our visits by setting weekly intentions that are important to our individual journeys.

As someone who is two years into brain retraining, this has been beneficial to me personally. It helps me maintain momentum with my practice. 

Creating those weekly intentions helped me evolve and helped this journal evolve. And now that I have this journal, I have one space to keep all my notes and to keep track of my journey. 

Goals vs Intentions

As I shared in the journal:

While the word goals is in the title, let’s change that. From now on, let’s simply use the word intentions.  

The word intention sounds more gentle than goal, doesn’t it?

By setting intentions, there is no bullseye to aim for. This is no bullseye to miss. There is no pass/fail evaluation to give yourself at the end of each week.

Intentions simply require being somewhere on the target. And since the act of creating    intentions automatically puts you on the board, you are already there from day one.

Page 3:

4 Pages Per Week

This is a 25-week journal with four pages given to each week.

The first 2 pages give you space to create a total of 4 intentions. Of course, you don’t need to create 4 each week. You might start out with two or just one. 

This is your journey, so you do what fits you. You might simply plan to get to bed by 10:00 four nights that week. You might want to add a particular something to your incremental training. You might plan to join Laughter Yoga two times that week. Or you might want to watch testimonial videos on three different days. 

Your intentions can be as general or as specific as you make them. They can be connected directly to your brain retraining practice or around anything that supports your individual journey.

The third page is for notes. This is a lined page to simply add highlights from the week. It might be notes on your practice. It might be notes from a coaching session. Or it might include books or websites you want to explore. Anything that you want to remember. 

I’ve had a habit of writing notes on random sheets of paper —and then struggled to find them later. It’s nice to be able to keep everything in a single book.

The fourth page is for Self-Reflection. This is a simple page to track your daily emotions (if you’d like to) and to share wins, celebrations and ah-ha moments. 

This is just a simple journal that I hope helps you through your individual journey.  

Available on Amazon:

Or go to the Books Page for all journals. 

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