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Think Greater Than You Feel, on the Be Free Respect Podcast.
Disclaimer: I am not a brain or brain rewiring expert. I am simply sharing my personal journey and my personal understanding as it makes sense to me.
Think Greater Than You Feel
Through this brain retraining process, a phrase I’ve heard more than once is to Think greater than you feel.
I’ve read this in one or two of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s books. I’ve heard Annie Hopper (DNRS) say it. It is part of the brain rewiring process.
Our brains are plastic. We can make change, but it requires us knowing how. Actually, we make change all the time–through living. Brain retraining, however, is about creating intentional change. The program I started with is DNRS. While I have never explored other brain retraining programs, I know there are several out there.
A Process
What I love about the process of brain retraining is the views and perspectives on health that put me in the driver’s seat. It’s the fact that I can get control back of my personal vehicle. Learning about the brain-body connection and the fact that we can make change is beyond fascinating.
I still don’t completely understand neuroplasticity. I’m a visual learner and I can’t see what’s actually going on in my brain. But I love those ah-ha moments when my understanding is increased. Bit by bit. Step by step.
One of the bigger struggles I’ve had through this journey is the idea of thinking greater than I feel. The reason I’m working on rewiring my brain is TO BE better than I’ve been feeling. When I’m in a somethin-somethin state of mind or being, this thinking greater than I feel can be a concept bigger than my brain wants to wrap itself around. Let’s face it, when I’m in a funk, my comfort is in wallowing around in that funk. That’s my habit.
But it’s that discomfort that comes with a response that our brain isn’t used to (like focusing on gratitude, seeking out silly videos to inspire laughter, or turning up the music and dancing, instead of complaining and focusing on the funk) is what leads to those new connections and that positive change.
It’s not a quick pill! Not by any means. But there is power in the small things.
One Simple Practice: Remove the But
Recognizing a 3-letter word that I’ve allowed too often has been (and continues to be) great practice for me. Yes, I’m still a work in progress. Who isn’t? Being cognizant of patterns is a huge start for change.
Here’s one of my efforts: To stop before the but and steep in the good.
I had a lovely vacation, but . . . (I had a lovely vacation-period.)
Dinner was delicious, but . . . (Dinner was delicious-period.)
I feel great, but . . . (I feel great-period)
Today's Practice: Think Greater Than I Feel
It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining. The sky is blue. Birds are singing. The temperature is perfect.
With all those amazing reasons to feel grateful I’ve been adding buts into my all-day-long. I’m babying a pain that started a few days ago. And I’ve allowed a lack of motivation to keep my walking shoes from finding their way to my feet. But what happens when I remain in the position that is most comfortable for my issue?– I allow it to prevent me from thinking greater than I feel. I allow my thoughts to remain on the very thing I want to disappear.
I recognize this pain. I recognize it’s onset and I understand it enough that I know what started it and I know it will go away. I now have tools from my year of brain rewiring to quiet this issue. That back pain is definitely not as noisy this go-around as it’s been in the past. And I appreciate this, greatly.
And yet. . .
I allowed myself today to put my focus on my less-than state.
So, this afternoon, I made a different choice. I put those walking shoes on. I put my earbuds in. And I stepped outside my front door for a fifteen minute walk to enjoy the beautiful day I described just a bit ago.
And, Voila!
I listened to a podcast episode and enjoyed what this day has to offer. I put my focus on the blue sky, on the budding trees, on the green grass, and on the fact that I can breathe in and out. I am grateful for this day.
I chose to think greater than I was feeling, and now—-I am actually feeling pretty good.
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