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Guided Visualizations with Graphics
Disclaimer: I am not a brain or brain rewiring expert. I am simply sharing my personal journey and my personal understanding as it makes sense to me.
Guided Visualizations
I have been enjoying recording and sharing my personal visualizations this year. I have 6 so far, which I shared below. But first, I’ll share a little background.
Visualizations and Brain Retraining
I’ll never forget when I first learned that creating visualizations was a big part of brain rewiring in the program I chose and began in March of 2022. It was odd to me. I’ve never done anything like that before. Actually, just the concept of “rewiring the brain” was all odd to me. But it was also so exciting! And the hope it brought — well, that was, and remains, a true blessing.
I was eventually able to grasp the concept of creating visualizations and to understand the part it plays in brain retraining. It took some time, but it eventually made more and more sense.
I gradually created a personal library of favorites that I rotate through my practice. I add new ones here and there, and I alter the ones I use routinely. As I share further into this post, I have gradually shifted from a focus on “story” to a focus on “emotion.”
Side Step
Just a little sidestep here.
If you keep notes on your brain retraining journey, I hope you don’t mind this little plug for a journal I created.
My Brain Rewiring Journal: Daily and Weekly Goals is available on Amazon. (When on the Amazon page, scroll down for preview images from the journal.)
This is something I wanted for myself, so just made one that anyone can use.
Memory Visualizations
I was grateful to learn that creating memory visualizations didn’t have to be actual memories. I’ve never been one who has been able to bring a lot of detail to my 60plus years of life memories. What I did instead was build around various times and situations, and embellish the story.
And this has worked for me.
Emotions and Visualizations
Those first weeks and months of brain retraining was filled with such new information for me. I eventually signed up for group coaching when I realized that I was at a point where guidance was needed. And oh what a blessing that was.
Along with support in all aspects of brain retraining, I was also able to learn to loosen up on “the story” in my visualizations and to gradually increase the allowance of emotions. The goal has always been to create “feel good” emotions, but at times when the opposite has occurred, I’ve allowed myself to feel what I was feeling, wrapping my arms around myself, and just letting go. This self compassion has been healing as well.
I had been more focused on filling the story line in my visualizations and filling those minutes that I tried to reach with my daily practice than I was in bringing in emotions. That had its purpose, too, though. As new as it all was for me, there had to be a starting point. But I gradually learned to allow in more emotions: peace, joy, and contentment.
It’s a process. And we each have our individual process in this journey, don’t we?
Fantasy Visualizations
Besides embellishing on blips of memory I had, I’ve had the most fun in creating complete fantasy rounds. My background is in early childhood education. The “thing” that brought me to Brain retraining was the “thing” that first brought me to an early retirement. Creating these visualizations has not only been fun for me, but it’s also been healing that gap that an early retirement brought.
Listening to Recorded Visualizations
Just like probably everyone else on this journey, there have been times when I’ve felt a little (and not so little) resistance to doing my practice rounds. While listening to visualizations may not impact the brain in the same way that creating them may have, I personally found great benefit in listening to others’ rounds or rounds that I’ve recorded.
I would occasionally set up my phone to record while doing a round. It’s nice to be able to sit and listen, with eyes closed, allowing in those images that I previously created while recording the round. Another benefit of recording visualizations is that it always helps me keep better focus. My brain rarely wanders off as it may do at other times.
Listening to visualizations may not be as effective as actually creating them, but it’s been effective in creating a sense of peace and calm — and it held that time space of routine during that first year when I tried to do an hour of visualizations a day but had a little resistance.
Plus, let’s face it, at times of resistance, our thoughts tend to stray more easily in unwanted directions. Listening to rounds would, at the very least, put me in a state of better thought.
Listening to Others' Visualizations
Besides listening to my own rounds, I find great benefit in listening to others’ visualizations. There is always potential for inspiration when listening to someone else’s practice. It helped me a lot when I started out — and it still helps me, two years later.
My Library of Guided Visualizations
The following visualizations are also shared in my podcast. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, Be Free Respect, for updates on new episodes.
Each visualization includes graphics for increased inspiration. If you would like help with ideas for images and visuals, watch while you listen the first time. And then maybe try listening with your eyes closed and bring forward your own images.
You do whatever works for you.
Steps Not Included
I do particular steps prior to visualizations, as outlined in the program I use. That is copyrighted information, so I don’t include them in my videos, of course. Besides, there is more than one brain retraining program out there, and — no matter the program, we each personalize these steps to fit us individually. If it’s comfortable for you, pause the video prior to the start of the visualization, complete your steps, and then continue.
Guided Visualizations for Brain Retrainers
Visualization #1: Horseback Ride Through the Clouds
Visualization #2: Rainbow Rainforest
Visualization #3: A Teddy Bear Picnic
Visualization #4 Planet YouGotThis
Visualization #5: Fireflies and a Summer Evening
Visualization #6: Let's Go Fly a Kite
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