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Gratitude: The Emotional Side Of Gluten Free #11

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The Emotional Side Part 11: Gratitude

Gluten Free and Thankful

At first I had to ask myself, Is gratitude an emotion? So, as I usually do when looking for an answer, I Googled it. And this is what I found:

From Happier Human.

“Gratitude is a personality trait, a mood, and an emotion. As an emotion, gratitude is a feeling of happiness that comes from appreciation. While in a grateful mood, grateful emotions are more likely present. 

Something we all can work on, for sure. A grateful heart. Only good things will come from it.

Below are some touching examples of gratitude when it comes to being gluten free. 

And all from children. 

Kids--AMAZING Kids

We Can All Learn From Kids' Grateful Hearts

(Isaac, age 9) “I live with my Mom and Grandmaw. We all have Celiac disease. My Aunt does too. She lives in Florida. I am thankful that I live in a totally gluten-free home. Even my soap and shampoo is gluten free.

“I’m thankful that I know what was making me sick when I was a baby. When I ate food with gluten in it I would vomit all over the place. That was embarrassing when I was at a restaurant eating. I don’t do that now that I eat gluten free. 

“I’ve had Celiac Disease since I was a baby so I don’t miss anything because I’ve never been able to have food that contains gluten.”

Sometimes Gratitude Is About Health

‘I’m thankful for no more pain.” (Sara, age 13)

(Charlie, age 5. GF for 2 months) is “thankful that I have to eat different stuff because it makes me feel better.”

(Abi, age 9) “I am healthier and stronger than my friends.”

(Sophia, age 4) “My whole body feels gooder. I don’t feel like I need to spit up any more.”

“I am thankful we have more fun cooking and I am thankful I can be in not as much pain and feel like I can run again.” (Sophie, age 6)

Gratitude for the Food

“I’m thankful for having stuff I can eat! Like gluten-free pumpkin donuts, cantaloupe, popsicles, and salmon.” (Audrie, age 8)

(Joseff, age 11) is thankful for “gluten-free doughnuts.”

(Rayne, age 8. GF for 6 years) is thankful “that steaks are gluten free.”

(Ethan, age 12. GF for 3 years) is thankful for “there being lots of nice food that I can still eat.”

(Josie, age 9. GF for 6 years) “That I eat more healthy foods than my friends do, like my favorites: olives, cucumbers, raspberries. That’s because fruit & vegetables don’t have gluten in and so they are my favorites. They have never made me ill. Well, except the beetroot time. Oh, and the salad dressing time.”

“I feel better and I can still eat nachos.” (Lily, age 8)

(Luke, age 4. GF for 8 months) “I like the ice cream cones.”

(Noah, age 5.) “I am thankful for Enjoy Life soft chocolate chip cookies because they are my favorite.”

(Thomas, age 10. GF 1 year) is thankful for “no more stomachaches or headaches. And also that Mum has finally learnt to make delicious gluten free Yorkshire puddings.”

Thankful For Family And Friends

(Louise, age 10. GF for 2 years.) “I am thankful that people who were ill are now not ill and for all the food that is gluten free. I am also grateful for my school friend (she is Coeliac too) who gave me one of the cakes she bought at our school’s cake sale because I was upset that there weren’t any gluten-free ones left.”

(Ava, age 6. GF for 2 years) “I am thankful that my mommy makes me delicious safe gluten-free food and for finding other moms so that I could have a celiac penpal.”

(11 years) “I am thankful that my mom relearned how to bake so we can have donuts, pies, stuffing, and other yummy stuff. And for my dad who finally figured out cinnamon rolls that taste good.”

“I am thankful for My Mom. She works hard to make sure I get gluten free, dairy free, and low sodium meals and treats. I am 18. I have been gluten free for about 6 months.” 

Have Those Conversations

This diet can be an emotional struggle for any of us. And then again, sometimes it’s not. Just because you find it a struggle, don’t expect your child to. But when they do, be there with an attentive ear. 

Listen to them. And then ask, “What can we do about that?” 

Facts are facts. If you child has celiac, gluten free is a must. There is no changing that. Let them vent. But follow up with more time for finding the good. Redirect that sorrow and emotion into self-empowerment. 

Find recipes together. Show them how to check labels. Get them involved in the kitchen. Empower them.