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From Winter Blues to Winter Wonerful
From Winter Blues to Winter Wonderful
Well, maybe not “Winter Wonderful” but definitely, “Winter Not-So-Bad.” And definitely not “Winter Blues.”
January is traditionally a — well — less than joyful month for me. Maybe it’s the “after holiday” thing. Maybe it’s a winter thing. Maybe it’s because it’s my birthday month. Whatever it is — or was — I am grateful for recognizing the ability to change this. I turn 65 this month –and, as I’ve learned, we’re never too old to learn new things or to change old habits. I am learning to make winter a more joyful experience. From winter blues to winter not-so-bad.
Inspired to Write
This idea for a post has been knocking on my brain for the past day or two. I have started recognizing that a Sit With Nature Challenge that I’ve been doing has me connecting to these winter days in a more joyful way. As I see more and more “winter blues” posts on Facebook, I realized that this Sit With Nature Challenge is retraining my brain to see the more joyful side of this season. This focus is training my brain to disconnect from old habits of expressions and descriptions about this time of the year.
And I’ve been feeling a tug to share it.
Inspiration from Dr. Joe Dispenza
This morning, while lying in bed, trying to decide whether or not to get up, I watched a 13 minute Joe Dispenza video on YouTube. So much of what he said resonated with me and reminded me of what I’m working on with my brain retraining journey. I was motivated to get up, get going, and get writing. (I’ll share that video link later in this post.)
Ahhhh…. that urge to write feels so good. Click clacking away on this keyboard with thoughts aching to get out, while I sip on my dandelion tea, feels so good. Well, the dandelion tea is ok — I’ll be switching to my morning coffee in a bit, and that will be better.
Ever Evolving Brain Retraining Routines
I’m approaching the third anniversary to the start of my brain retraining journey. What an interesting journey this has been. The routine with my practice through year one has gradually evolved. That Sit With Nature addition to my routine is one of my favorite parts of where that evolving process took me and is what I want to share in this post
Connecting With Nature: My Favorite Brain Retraining "Tool"
I’ve always enjoyed spending time outdoors on a nice day. But it wasn’t until recently that I learned that there’s science behind it. Connecting to nature has an impact on our mood, our creativity, our stress level. And, as I’m learning, it doesn’t just have to be all about “nice weather” days.
I had started creating weekly intentions for my brain retraining practice about a year or so ago. This is what inspired the journal I created, “My Brain Rewiring Journal: Daily and Weekly Goals.”
Eventually, one of these weekly intentions included spending time outdoors and being intentional with my connections to something in nature: a falling leaf, the sound of the wind, bird songs, or whatever caught my eye. For me, I found it a form of meditation; releasing thought as I found something to connect with outdoors.
As this practice evolved, and as I felt my joy from this practice grow, I was inspired to create a private Facebook group in October 2024. Sit With Nature Daily
I didn’t have a clear outline of how the group would go, but one of the main objectives is to share pictures from our individual daily experiences, thus lifting and inspiring one another to increase joyful emotions through connections with nature.
Re-Establishing Momentum Each Month
It can be easy to enjoy a routine for a while and then gradually leave it behind. Sticking with something, even if it brings me “feel goods” can be difficult. And for this reason, we do a monthly 10-day challenge. Committing to this challenge for just 10 days is doable for me. It’s certainly a motivator! As the days go by, I recognize the personal benefits of connecting with nature —and it helps me rebuild that momentum that seems to slow down through the couple weeks prior to each challenge.
January's Sit With Nature Challenge
I was excited about starting 2025 with a new Sit With Nature 10-Day Challenge, but I have to admit, there was also a big part of me that wasn’t really looking forward to it. I kept looking at the forecast and the prediction was COLD! After all it IS winter. And being in the midwest, winter is cold.
Kicking the Winter Blues
We’re halfway through January’s 10-Day Challenge. Here in the St. Louis area, we had quite a bit of snow just before the challenge began. But there are ways to sit with nature whether you can get outdoors or not.
I told Alexa to play bird sounds on my Echo Dot while I gazed out my window one morning. I just watched and enjoyed the falling snow. I admired the way it stuck to the trees. And I enjoyed watching squirrels chase each other up one of those trees.
I put on my boots and took a walk around my backyard on another day, discovering a variety of animal footprints in the snow.
I took a walk around my neighborhood, listening to bird songs and enjoying the cool crisp air.
And yesterday, I took a 30-minute walk at a favorite park through the snow covered path. Here’s a 15-minute nature video I took. I’m not a video professional. It is what it is. But this also gives me something to watch and connect with on another day when I might not be so ambitious.
A Practice With Focus
The practice of focusing on things that bring joy retrains the brain. It is becoming more and more apparent that this daily ‘sit with nature’ effort is having an impact on me. I am seeing joy in the snow. I am finding joy in the refreshing cool air when I take walks outdoors. And I am finding JOY in winter.
It truly is a beautiful thing!
Pop, Pop, Pop
Along with the 10-20 minute sit with nature practice, I also practice popping thoughts of past phrases my brain used to like to focus on. *(Dear brain: don’t listen while I type this. These are just examples.) There is a negative bias that is so natural for most of us. The brain wants to go to these thoughts, especially when joining others and mutually agreeing that this is the way we should think. “I hate winter!” “It’s just too cold outside!” “I can’t wait for spring!” “I want the beach!” yadda yadda yadda
Today is the day we have. The practice is to enjoy the moments rather than waste it waiting for something better to come along.
If you are reading (or listening) to this as someone who knows me, you might think, “Hmmmm, didn’t I just hear her say __________ the other day?” Like I said, this is something I’m practicing. I’m not perfect—-but I like the direction!
Listen to Dr. Joe
Here’s that video I talked about earlier. Good stuff.
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